Notebook computer can be stolen or lost. In this case, the most vulnerable is the & 39; information that looks to be deleted, but is actually available to cover. Another problem is the & 39; Internet activity. Any Internet browser left many traces, including links to sites visited, and sometimes used loggings password. This aspect May lead to & 39; d & 39; identity theft problem, when someone & 39; one could take a large number of & 39; information about you from your computer, browser cookies.
If try to solve this problem, we should understand that, first, we must know what is the source of potential danger and how can we manage these risks. I am sure that you are concerned about the & 39; use credit cards online, but simple rules will help to use your credit cards of confidence on websites and your data will not be stolen. So you continue to use your credit card benefits of & 39; purchase online.
The first simple recommendation, to stay secure is: " keep your sensitive files in a safe place. " It is easy now that there is & 39; freeware open source and encryption systems, as TrueCript. Another approach is to use encryption systems of & 39; end-user programs, such as encryption proposed file format or zip files. Encryption algorithms, it is very difficult to crack (in fact, someone & 39; one will be able to find the password using brute force analysis). If you send sensitive files to your colleague, use a password protection for this file or save this file in protected archive.
Communicating with others is a serious course. If you use simple encryption systems, before communicating then you& 39;ll need & 39; share the password, it might not be very practical, c & 39; is why it is preferable d & 39; use a key cryptography.
The second task is to ensure that your data are easy to restore. Using folder to ensure remove (delete file), better basic idea is to use the mode & 39; File, which & 39; not need your efforts to ensure each deletion. Regular schedule & 39; wipe the free space operation, this & 39; is not really 100% security, but it will keep about 98% previously deleted data secure. How to choose File to use? Download free or free-to try and restore software and check if the files wiped with File are recoverable. There is perhaps d & 39; other aspects of security (such as temporary files), but for most users, it is quite common enough.
The question is - how many passes do I need? In fact, the answer is 1-passer during the crash & 39; wiping enough. L & 39; idea of & 39; overwrite data on several occasions has been suggested by Peter Gutmann in 1996. When hard drives were much slower, smaller and the worst quality. For hard today, this idea & 39; n is not really applicable and a pastime crash east enough.
Staying secure on the web. It does not act & 39; d & 39; a difficult task, considering d & 39; install the latest version of the Web browser, Firefox is a great new software. Consider using firewall that is built into the system or is distributed in the form of & 39; a stand-alone tool. Do not send your data to Web sites that you do not trust. Web sites that accept credit cards must support secure protocols for & 39; purchase online. As regards & 39; d & 39; identity theft problem, & 39; is a good idea to learn more about ways to intrude to steal your personal data, it & 39 ; are not much software that could help this.
Finally, my recommendation is this: be sure to keep the files in a safe place and make sure that & 39; n & 39; it is not possible to find your files d & 39; somewhere else, for example, restore previously deleted files. & 39; C is simple, but & 39; is a good way to keep secure.
If you are looking to erase the hard disk d & 39; utility, try new website File security expert Sam Miller .
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