in companies and business firms to set up, all the computers set up Must. The original proprietary software and documentation for the appropriate number. It is illegal to corporations and businesses to buy one set of original software and then load the software on more than one computer, or on loan, copy or distribute software, for any reason without the written Without the prior consent of the software manufacturer. Many software administrator is concerned about the legal compliance with the organization, asset management and cost. Many companies involved in the legal department of human resources, software and distribution facilities will be qualified in two ways licensing.
information that the patent law, copyright law is made by federal law, Constitutional provisions to grant legislative authority. For the government to prosecute a computerized information as piracy theft, more dependent on theory, you must first information - as - Property. Trade secret law created by state law, and most jurisdictions have laws that criminalize the trade - to keep secret & 39; s right is a secret. Definitions of some private companies from state to state, however, is usually the same elements. In 1964, the U.S. copyright office has begun to register the software expression.
the literature as a form of software code passed by the U.S. to cover copyright infringement, passed by Congress in 1992. This amendment, a public law and called software piracy is to attack the federal government from 102 to 561, and introduced criminal penalties for piracy software. You can include penalties to five years imprisonment and a fine of up to $ 250000, or both, or permission to distribute 10 or more copies of software, for a total retail value of $ 2,500 or more long. In the United States for profit law copied software, making multiple copies of different users, used by the organization, and unauthorized copies, giving someone else is prohibited. This law who were seized in the case of pirated software, the individual or the individual & 39; S has both civil and criminal law by trying to. Civil suit in May to establish an injunction, actual damages (which may include copyright infringement income), or statutory damages up to $ 100000 1 infringement.
the results now show why the software license law It is not clear at once, was.
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